Razor tongued nag

"THE RAZOR TONGUED NAG" 8/50 © 1994.

Papier Mache, Acrylic Paint and Wood. 7 feet tall.


After presenting the Faces to the public for the first time, for the rest of 1994, I continued the exploration joyfully free from deadlines. My personal life was unstable, I found myself becoming a harpy, a side of myself I despised but would face in this piece. Not pretty, not easy to live with. One viewer recognized his 4th grade teacher.


The Nag, scolds, can not stop talking, is so angry that lighting bolts come out of her mouth. There is no reasoning with the nag. She will cut you down with words alone. She has energy and power but is mean, out of control. .... Hormonal!


Hot reds and purples, scaly pattern, scolding finger, a tongue that looks like a medieval weapon.



All Images are the creative intellectual property of Karle Howlett Murdock © 2010