Face of Fear

The Face of ANXIETY

"ANXIETY" 5/50 © 1994.

Papier Mache, Acrylic Paint and Wood. 7 feet tall.


The positive feeling of determination was pushed aside by another negative feeling. Anxiety is a more subtle feeling than fear, harder to overcome, chronic, recurring, sneaky. I let myself experience my anxiety in order to be honest about the emotions, which were not invited, but intruded into the creative process.


Created in 1994 when there was political tension in South Africa which influenced the use of reds greens and blacks. This face is dark, pained. The red like blood, like veins. The hands are tense, trying to grip the table ineffectually. Anxiety about the project was gripping me, the artist, despite my best efforts to feel calm to remain focused.


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All Images are the creative intellectual property of Karle Howlett Murdock © 2010